Micro Acres Wales are pleased to announce that we are trialling being members of 'Too Good To Go' and allowing people in our local community to pick up some microgreen bargains!
Have you heard of the 'Too Good to Go' ethos?
"Every day, delicious, fresh food goes to waste at cafes, restaurants, hotels, shops and manufacturers - just because it hasn’t sold in time. The Too Good To Go app lets you buy and collect this food - at a great price - so it gets eaten instead of wasted. You won’t know exactly what’s in your order until you pick it up - it’s all part of the surprise. Download the app to get started."
On occasion, here at Micro Acres Wales, we have surplice stock, after we have fulfilled our commercial and private customer orders.
In the past we have not 'thrown these away' as this goes against our sustainability philosophy. Rather we have given them, along with our 'roots and shoots' to some local chickens to much on. The remaining soil then gets composted. So where the chickens miss out (apologies to the chickens!), our human community continue to benefit from our microgreens!
So, how does it work?
You sign into the 'Too Good to Go app' from the playstores:
You can check if Micro Acres Wales has 'bags' available for that day/evening.
You will be able to check that you are on the correct business page if you are reading our business information as follows:
Cultivated at their urban farm at Micro Acres Wales, 'Microgreens' are young vegetables and herbs, freshly harvested, by hand, before reaching maturity. They have delicate textures and distinctive flavours.
So what do you receive? A 'lucky surprise bag'. How much are they? £4.00 a bag. What will it include? It will contain a surprise mixture of microgreens from our range. How much will the 'surprise lucky bag' be worth? At least £12.00 of microgreens. What a bargain!
How do you get your surprise lucky bag? Collect from our business address, during the time slot:
1 Cae'r Gerddi,
Church Village,
CF38 1UQ.
What happens when you arrive? You will be handed your bag of surprises. You will need to show your order, via your app on your phone. You then swipe on the screen to show you have received the order and then you are good to go to enjoy your microgreens.
So what do we suggest? Download the 'Too Good to Go' App and start benefitting from our delicious, fresh microgreens and help us reduce 'waste'. It benefits both of us :) What is there not to love?
We hope to see you soon!
If you know any local food retailers, food producers etc who may wish to become involved in this worthwhile project, please can we encourage you to let them know about 'Too Good to Go'. Local businesses supporting local communities, whilst reducing food waste too!
Donna and Chris x